Rosen Method Wisconsin
It is an important part of Holistic Healing & Resilience, LLC. I am trauma responsive and build resilience.

Services & Training
Mind Body Spirit Healing

Adverse Childhood Experience Study and Resilience Master Trainer
Childhood Trauma is very common even in employed middle-class, college education people with great health insurance. There is a direct link between childhood trauma and adult onset of chronic disease, as well as depression, suicide, being violent and a victim of violence. Seeing the world through a trauma-informed lens and using resilience-building practices promotes wellness in your company and community. Individual wellness is cost effective and diminishes losses due to absenteeism and chronic illnesses. Resilience is both individual and environmental. We are relationship animals wired to survive. Being trauma informed and building resilience allows us to move beyond survival to a culture of creative balanced connection.

Rosen Method Bodywork
Relaxation and embodied self-awareness builds resiliency. Take time for yourself and experience the healing nature of the mind body connection through gentle touch.

Trauma Informed to
Responsive Care Trainer
Moving from understanding trauma to providing an environment of safety, trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment, voice and choice, and cultural issues is essential in combating compassion fatigue. The behavioral health workforce is struggling to attract new hires and retain their employees. Workforce wellness is a piece of the puzzle. Because we all have a story to tell, learn how to create a mindful space that encourages active listening and cognitive and emotional regulation. This exercise in quality improvement recognizes behavior as adaptation to experiences of trauma without judgement. Create an environment that you and your colleagues want to work in.

Rosen Method Movement Class
Rosen Method Movement was created by Marion Rosen who was a trained physical therapist. She developed this class at the request of her clients who wanted to sustain their physical health and wellness. Held at the Quarry Arts Building Wednesdays at 11:00 am Located in the Shorewood Hills neighborhood. 715 Hill Street Madison WI 53705

Rebecca Wigg-Ninham
Your Practitioner
and Teacher
Rebecca has been been working as a Social Worker with individuals and families for over 30 years. She has been passionate about building a community of wellness throughout her career. She has been blessed by the knowledge of diverse paradigms by listening to her clients and their stories. Her work has been extraordinary because of her curiosity and openness to other ways of thinking. She found success through opening the door to the mind body spirit connection first for herself and then her clients. She asks the question "What was your possibility when you came into this world and how can you heal your body mind and spirit from what life has thrown at you." She believes that Health and Wellness are within you through embodied self-awareness.
Hear from Clients

Founder: Marion Rosen
Marion Rosen became a member of an extraordinary therapeutic community in Munich during the 1930s that included Elsa Gindler, Dr. Gutav Heyer, and Heyer's wife, Lucy Heyer. Lucy was a student of Elsa Gindler who is considered the "grandmother of current breathing and relaxation techniques." Gustav was a colleague and former student of Carl Jung. The Heyer's were part of a group of professionals who were using massage, breath-work, and relaxations in conjunction with Jungian psychoanalysis. As Marion's foundation she went on to integrated breath, relaxation and our unconscious with her knowledge of the body as a trained Physical Therapist developing Rosen Method.

"Become the person you were born to be"
- Marion Rosen